①安藤洋子×皆川明 トークショー
(椅子の上)(on a chair)

皆川さんのブランドmina perhonenのprofileを見ると
ところで、マイムってヘブライ語で「水」って意味なんだってね。world music on weekdays!
(Christopher Hardy brings his "hand-drum" after the performance)

On august 18th I perticipated in an event named "Ando Yoko and folk dance party".This event was taken place at "zounohana(nose of elephant)" area which opened this year at yokohama.The program was,
1.Ando Yoko and Minagawa Akira tolk show
2.folk dance
3.performance by Ando Yoko and Christopher Hardy
1. I was very attracted by the character of Mr. Minagawa Akira. Within the talking, Ms.Yoko spoke that the speed of time is different from ours in foreign countries(means it's slower) and she said Mr.Minagawa seems like always going picnic and not in a hurry although he is in japan (or tokyo)and very busy person. And certainly he had such atmosphere. I was impressed by that.
As you see the site of "mina perhonen" the brand established by Mr.Minagawa, you can find a sentence as follows
"the name of the brand was chosed from finnish language as the designer travels to scandinavia many times and sympathizes with its lifestyle and culture."
(translation bebe)
Somehow, I often meet some opinions and speaks that highly estimates scandinavia in many fields such as education, welfare, employment, lifestyle, culture, etc.
I wonder this phenomena can be found only in japan or also in other countries?
Ofcourse characters are different of each scandinavian countries, but I'm curious about these countries.
Not soon, but I want to vist there after some ways.
2.It was fun! I danced folk dance first time after the closing event of high school festival. We danced,
maimumaimu, korobushka and new folk dance by Ando Yoko
I didn't know "mayim" means "water" in hebrew.
3.Her dance was cool. also I was fascinated by the performance of hand-drum by Christopher Hardy. This was the first time for me to watch that instrument played and I was interested in its sounds, technique or visual. It is waste of time to explain about it by words, but one thing. He used a technique which is similar to a playing we sometimes do with wine glass(rubbing edge of glass and it resonants).nice sound.
impression:I can't dance but I like dance, I'm in such age. First folk dance party was nice evening for me. Touch hands or meet someone's eyes and smile, I don't do such things in usually, but it's good.